Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All wrapped up in wrong

[Warning:] Preachy and cynical entry to follow. Read at own risk.

You know, I thought people couldn't surprise me anymore. I thought I had grown so cynical that the closed-minded world in which I live was no more a bitter sting to my heart, but rather had grown to a dull ache that could be easily masked with the right music (right now it's Tv on the Radio) and a bottle of Jagermeister. Oh how wrong was I.
My mother was telling me a story last night about what had happened to her while in line buying Christmas gifts. My mother, being the bleeding heart that she is, wears a Star of David around her neck. No, she is not Jewish. She is, however, supporting two things: the Jews in Israel, and the fact that the Holocaust DID happen.
While she was in line, someone felt the need to point out that she was wearing a Star of David. Some people overheard this, and started giving her dirty looks, as if to say "If you're Jewish, what are you doing here, buying Christmas Presents?" People stared, and people whispered.
Honestly, in my opinion, it was bad enough that someone felt the need to point out that she was wearing a Star of David necklace in the first place, no matter how innocent it was. If she were wearing a crucifix, would anyone have even said anything? Chances are that they wouldn't. Why? Because clearly Christians aren't evil like the Jews are. It is so ingrained into our culture to hate those of Jewish faith, no matter how subtle this hate may be. What do people typically say when they feel they are receiving the short end of the proverbial stick? "I was Jewed."
Harmless? No, not really. On a more extreme note, are people who are of the Christian faith ever ridiculed? Are there derogatory names for them, like the word kike for Jews? No, there aren't.

I thought my generation was supposed to be this enlightened, more highly evolved and open-minded than the ones before it. But I guess I was wrong.
You people are idiots. And this goes for anyone who sees a black man walking down the street, and chooses to cross. This is for anyone who sees two men holding hands, and thinks "Disgusting." This is for anyone who sees someone dressed nicely, or someone who is more sensitive than others, and calls them a fag. This is for all the people who will see a woman athlete and call her Dyke. This is for all the men who took advantage of a woman because he believed her to be weaker. This is for all the ignorant bastards in the church who ostracized the 19 year old girl who was pregnant, but not married.
Yes, this is a big FUCK YOU to all of you people.

Have a nice day.

"Oh i will be your accident, if you will be my ambulance."
-"Ambulance" by Tv on the Radio

1 comment:

GS said...

I know people can be bad - but man, that's nuts.