Monday, November 27, 2006

Where do the children play?

I think it's funny, that being sixteen years of age, I, clearly, can not make my own decisions. That is, society believes that I can not make my own decisions. I obviously am not of sound reasoning to accurately decide and vote for who I think would best run our country, I am unmistakeably unable to discern whether or not I should get a tattoo, and I am evidently unable to make rational choices when it comes to relations with the opposite sex. And yes, I do realize I am sounding like just another jaded teenager pissed off at the fact that they have to answer to those besides themselves, but really, that is not the case.

I just wish those who are older and more "mature" would give us underlings a bit of a chance sometimes; actually listen to what we have to say for a change. Granted, many people my age really can not make very good decisions for themselves, and should not make these decisions. Likewise, I know very many so-called legal "adults" that really should not have any of the power that their age brings them.

It seems to me that the laws are really backwards when it comes to people my age. I can go have my unborn child terminated without parental consent or knowledge, but if I happen to drop down in the gymnasium during lunch period at school from life-threatening heart complications, no one can do anything to save my life without the written consent of my guardians. I must go to school in order to educate myself, but ultimately the kind of education I receive is in the hands of my parents until I turn 18. I am required to do lengthy and in-depth reports on political figures, but I am obviously not capable to research political candidates and decide for whom I should vote.

When put this way, does any of this really seem reasonable? I realize that there is nothing I can do to change any of this. And I am sure my elders have honest to God good reasons for these things being so.

All this said, I just wish people would listen more. Just because I am a teenager, doesn't mean I am completely void of all intelligent and rational thought. Yes, I have hormones. Yes, I think a lot on irrational brain stem motivations. But when it comes right down to it, I pretty much can think reasonably for myself.

Parents, sit down and talk WITH you kids, not TO them. Really, therein lies the problem with rebellious teenagers: parents are so determined to instill their beliefs, and their plans onto their children. To some extent, this is a good thing, ex. don't lie, cheat, or steal. But where do you draw the line? Assuming you realize said line exists. For this reason, teens who have discovered that they are gay feel that they can not talk to their parents about it, for fear that it goes against their "beliefs." This could lead to alienation, severe depression, and suicide. A pregnant teenage girl is afraid to tell her parents, who preach that sex before marriage will send you straight to the fiery pits of hell. She thinks the only way out is to quietly end the life of her unborn baby in an abortion clinic where you need not have parental consent.

Honestly, a lot of us have some valid things to say at times. But when will they begin to listen? Only then can problems of suicide, teenage abortion, school shootings, only when parents start LISTENING to their children will these things end.

One could only hope...

"From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen. Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away."

-"Father and Son" by Cat Stevens