Thursday, November 16, 2006

Shake your ass and say YEAH

I think the great thing about music is that it can completely change your mood.

I mean, I can tell you about bad days.

Waking up and the whole right side of your lip being swollen ten times its normal size due to a month old piercing you have, and then having to have said piercing cut out of you because the swelling was so massive, KIND OF COUNTS as a bad day.

But then, put on The Shins, and all is forgotten.

That's probably why they say that music is the universal language. Everyone can relate, even if it isn't in your own tongue.

Take Sigur Ros, for example. Their music is in an Icelandic gibberish. They made it up. But I love them, and so do a lot of others, as their turn-out at last year's Coachella Festival showed.

The point is, music inspires us. It moves us. And, at least with me, gives us a hell of a good reason to look on the bright side.

Needless to say, I set out to just make a post talking about how great The Shins were, and how I will be first in line for their January 23 release of Wincing The Night Away.

Their new single is epic. Check it out.

I mean it.

No, really.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
----Aldous Huxley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

heyyyyyyyyyyyy. I have one of these...I just don't write in it.

