Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Canadian teenage melodrama

I found my quote book last night. I have been keeping one since around the beginning of Freshman year, when things such as remembering the words of others suddenly became direly important. I discovered that it isn't only good for simply remembering things. It is also useful for comforting a sad friend as you snuggle under the covers late at night, reading her some of the better quotes, to make her laugh or to give her insight.
So, i have decided to share a few. Mainly because i am too lazy to write my usual long-winded rant / excitement for the day. Most of these have come from various books I have read over the years. Enjoy.

"If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you'd like." -Garden State

"It's not God who's fucked up, it's the screamers who believe in Him and claim to pursue their ends in His Holy Name!" -A Prayer for Owen Meany

"I went to a drug store the other day and I saw a card that said 'get-well soon.' Fuck that! Get well now." -Demetri Martin

"Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love." -Charlie Brown

"Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on." -John Keats

"Whoever said sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain." -Unknown

"Almost only counts for horseshoes and hand grenades."

"Like it or not, this is you. Forget about who you thought you were and just accept who you are now." -Jersey Girl

"Frank- What do you want to do, ruin me?
Cathrine- Yes. I want to ruin you.
Frank- Good. That's what I want too." -A Farewell to Arms

Okay I have a lot more but if I use them all up in one post, I won't have anything with which to end my other posts.

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